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Welcome to FlowerBunny - the must-have accessory for this Easter season! These charming clay earrings are carefully crafted by hand and adorned with delicate flowers, making them the perfect addition to any outfit. Whether you're dressing up for a family gathering or simply want to add a touch of whimsy to your everyday look, FlowerBunny earrings are the perfect choice.

Each pair of FlowerBunny earrings is made with attention to detail, ensuring that every flower is perfectly placed and the overall design is flawless. The result is a unique and eye-catching accessory that will make you stand out in a crowd. Plus, the lightweight clay material makes them comfortable to wear all day long.

With FlowerBunny earrings, you can bring a touch of spring to your style no matter the season. These versatile earrings can be dressed up or down, making them a great choice for any occasion. So why wait? Add a pair of FlowerBunny earrings to your collection today and elevate your style game!

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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